African Daisy Flower Essence
relieves fear, clears disappointments & balances the psyche.
this essence really helps us when we are tripping over old patterns or fears.
african daisy helps us find ourself in the fray of our thought patterns and align with our higher truth. the flower is directly allied with very potent star allies, and clears the fears that we are carrying for others.
there is a huge emphasis in energetic ownership at this time, knowing what you are & what you are not. What beliefs you wish to carry forward, and those you wish to let go.
african daisy aligns you with yourself, so this becomes crystal clear. then, with magical sweetness, she clears you of what is not yours.
A prayer for working with african daisy flower,
"african daisy i call on your star wisdom to bring relief to me of all fears & disappointments. help me align with my highest self."