Teasel Flower Essence
//A True Ally for the Microbiome & For The Strongest Personal Boundaries//
Teasel is a forbiddingly beautiful flower, sheltered by spiky hard thorn like branches which resemble a thistle. This flower essence is protective. Teasel creates the space you need to heal. The power of this Flower is phenomenal and not to be underestimated. Teasel will teach you how to say No. Teasel has the intelligence of the telluric realm within it, the Earth keeper wisdom from below the Great Mothers crust. This region is believed to be the space of the second dimension here on Earth, and holds the memory of every creature (bacteria and viruses included) which has ever or will ever exist on Planet. Teasel Flower somehow holds keys to this inner Earth Wisdom, sheltered safely in her spiral of teasing thorns. The vibrational essence of Teasel can communicate to the Vital Force of the Body, giving rise to the ability to heal from long held illness and/or behavior patterns. Teasel Root has a strong traditional use in American Herbalism fighting Lymes and co-infections of Lymes. The Teasel Flower essence has gained a strong footing with traditional herbalists for being used to treat these deeply embedded bacterial diseases as well. It is helpful for Epstein Barr virus as well, and to my understanding many other viruses and bacteria as well. On the energetic level, all illness is only there until the Vital Force and Terrain of the being are strong enough to push it out of the organism. Teasel Flower carries the memory of Mother Earth in her Wisdom of how to ignite that force against long standing infections, unexplained fatigue, weariness from poor boundaries, and fear of changing these patterns because of fear of what comes after. Teasel Flower essence has a Mysterious Power of being effective for healing the microbiome and cleansing a person of long standing illness, even when other treatments have failed. I recommend using Teasel as a way to boost up a healthy microbiome too and personally take this flower essence regularly. I use it with Blue Lotus flower for regular management of my micro-biome, believing the Teasel works to clear the cells of unbeneficial toxins & the Blue Lotus to raise the vibration of the cells making them uninhabitable to invaders. I have also used the Teasel Essence when I was sick with an infection, along with appropriate herbal treatment and found her to be a very effective essence in this regard. Many many Blessings & so much Gratitude for this flower, her root & the beauty they beset on the Landscape and in our Beings. 1 oz.